Title: The Mistress John Lloyd Cruz and Bea Alonzo comeback-movie after a two years hiatus - The film also celebrates their joint 10th Anniversary in show business.Described as an "imperfect love story," the film features a more daring and mature Alonzo and Cruz.
Directed by: Olivia Lamasan
Starring: Bea Alonzo, John Lloyd Cruz
Distributed by: Star Cinema
Release date(s): September 12, 2012
Country: Philippines
Language: Tagalog, English
Main Cast
Bea Alonzo as Sari Alfonso
John Lloyd Cruz as JD Torres
Ronaldo Valdez as Rico
Hilda Koronelas Regina
Supporting Cast
Anita Linda
Carmi Martin
K Brosas
Tony Mabesa
Gabe Mercado
Minne Aguilar
Nor Domingo
Clarence Delgado
Directed by: Olivia Lamasan
Starring: Bea Alonzo, John Lloyd Cruz
Distributed by: Star Cinema
Release date(s): September 12, 2012
Country: Philippines
Language: Tagalog, English
Main Cast
Bea Alonzo as Sari Alfonso
John Lloyd Cruz as JD Torres
Ronaldo Valdez as Rico
Hilda Koronelas Regina
Supporting Cast
Anita Linda
Carmi Martin
K Brosas
Tony Mabesa
Gabe Mercado
Minne Aguilar
Nor Domingo
Clarence Delgado
The Movie shot
- Callao Cave in Peñablanca, Cagayan
- Tuguegarao City
- the Baua Bridge in Gonzaga, Cagayan
- Beach scenes - Anguib Beach and "Boracay of the North" in Santa Ana, Cagayan